What is Checkmate Insights
Checkmate Insights provides a complete statistical overview of the orders processed by Checkmate for all of your location(s). It enables you to:
Access the complete summary of the orders processed via Checkmate in the Order Summary Dashboard
Generate a historical report of the order summary that will assist in making data-driven decisions for the online delivery business
Set up custom alerts for your location(s)
How to access the Checkmate Insights feature?
Follow these steps to explore the Checkmate Insights feature:
Permissions define the scope of access that a user has been granted/limited to by the master user. In order to view the Insights Reports, the User must be granted permission to view the “Insightful Analytics” Reports.
Check out how to manage user Permissions here.
Note: SMB admin and ENT admin roles have the default permission to access the Order Summary Reports.
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