Table of Contents
Whether a customer is new to your business or already loyal to your brand, everybody loves Promo Codes that unlock special discounts and limited offers. Promo codes can be redeemed by entering a code online or scanning a promo code in-store. Checkmate Direct Ordering allows you to easily create and manage Promo Codes for your customers to enter during their checkout experience.
There are 2 types of promo codes available:
Dollar: a certain dollar amount discount
Percentage: a certain percentage discount
Note: Promo Codes are initially created as “Order” discounts, but promo codes can be applied to specific items as well - Configuring Item-Level Promo Codes
Enabling Promo Codes
Before creating a promo code, you must select Display Promo Codes in Brand General Settings.
Navigate to Settings and under Miscellaneous, select General Settings:
From General Settings, check off Display Promo Codes, scroll down, and click Submit to save changes:
If you would like to limit the amount of Promo Codes for a single order, navigate to Settings, then User Experience, then Checkout Fields, set the limit, and click Submit to save changes (the limit will default to 0, which will not limit the customer from adding various promo codes to the same order). You can also limit this specifically for Online Ordering or Catering:
Finally, if you wish to change the verbiage describing the Promo Code entry at checkout, navigate to Pages, Checkout, and Sections. From here, you can update the Title and Subtitle that appears at checkout to customers. Scroll down and click Submit to save changes:
Configuring Order-Level Promo Codes
Follow these steps to configure Order-level Promo Codes:
Log in to the Direct Admin and navigate to Loyalty. Select Promo Codes:
From the Promo Codes page, you can view all created promo codes and create new promo codes. Select New Promo Code:
From the New Promo Code page, fill out the Required Settings:
Name: The name of the promo code should be 15 characters or less, and can include any combination of letters and numbers
Discount Type: Designates promo code as a dollar amount off or percentage off
Amount: Amount of dollar discount or percentage discount, based on your Discount Type answer above
Max Uses Per Customer: The max times one customer can use this Promo Code (set to 0 for no limit)
Max Uses Across All Customers: The number of times this promo code can be used across all customers (set to 0 for no limit)
Fill out Optional Settings
Minimum Discount Amount: This is the minimum amount that can be discounted (in dollars, set to 0.00 for no minimum)
Maximum Discount Amount: This is the maximum amount that can be discounted (in dollars, set to 0.00 for no maximum)
Minimum Order Size: This is the minimum amount that a customer must spend to receive a discount (in dollars, set to 0.00 for no minimum)
Maximum Order Size: This is the maximum amount that a customer can spend to receive a discount (in dollars, set to 0.00 for no maximum)
Order Type: This is the specific Order Type that a discount can be used for (OLO, Catering, Merch) (set to All to enable for all Order Types)
Service Type: This is the specific Service Type that a discount can be used for (Dine In, Pick Up, Delivery) (set to All to enable for all Service Types)
Channel Type: This is the specific Channel Type that a discount can be used for (Kiosk, Online, App, Phone) (set to All to enable for all Channel Types)
Start Date: Set the date you would like your customers to be able to begin redeeming the Promo Code here (leave blank to make it available ASAP)
End Date: Set the last date that your customers will be able to redeem the Promo Code (leave blank to disable the expiration date)
Start Time: Set the time you would like your customers to be able to begin redeeming the Promo Code here during available hours (leave blank to make it available for all hours)
End Time: Set the last time that your customers will be able to redeem the Promo Code (leave blank to make it available until closing hours)
Title: The Promo Code title visible to customers for marketing purposes
Short Description: The Promo Code description visible to customers for marketing purposes
Description: A longer Promo Code description visible to customers for describing the promo in detail for marketing purposes
Email Address Domain: Enter an email address domain, such as, to limit the usage of the promo code to users with this specific email address domain (leave blank to make the promo available to anyone)
POS ID: POS-specific discount ID for promo codes that are directly integrated into a POS discount (leave blank in most cases)
Select Checkbox Options
Active: Check this off to make the promo active. Uncheck to disable (default is checked off)
Taxed: Check this off for the promo code discount to be applied before sales tax is calculated, which will reduce the sales tax amount. Uncheck Taxed for the promo code discount to be applied after sales tax is calculated (default is checked off)
Before Surcharge: Check this off for the promo code to apply to the subtotal before any surcharges are applied. Uncheck Before Surcharge to discount both the order total and the surcharge (default is unchecked)
New Customers Only: Check this off to make the promo code available ONLY to new customers who are placing their first orders (default is unchecked)
Approved Email Addresses Only: Check this off to force manager approval for any customer that uses this specific discount code (default is unchecked)
Allow $0.00: Check this off to enable the promo code discount to result in a $0.00 check balance (default is unchecked)
After you’ve completed the above, click Submit to create the new Promo Code. Keep in mind, that this will create the Promo Code for an entire order before you set item limitations.
Once you click Submit and create the new promo code, you will see additional settings appear in the left panel:
Settings: The page where the promo code is initially created and where all of the above settings are configured
Images: Use this page to upload images for this promo code
Revenue Centers: Choose the Revenue Center(s) where you'd like to accept this promo code (leave unselected to enable the promo code for all Revenue Centers)
Approved Emails: If “Approved Email Addresses Only” is checked off on the Settings page, this is where you can add or upload approved emails that can redeem the promo code
QR Codes: Use this page to create new QR codes for promo codes that can be redeemed by scanning them in-store. IMPORTANT - QR CODES ARE NO LONGER USABLE
Discounted Items: Use this page to choose which items should be discounted (leave unselected to enable the promo code at the order level)
Configuring Item-Level Promo Codes
For Item-level discounts, follow all steps mentioned above for Order-level discounts until it becomes time to select discounted items.
Navigate to Loyalty, then Promo Codes, then select the desired Promo Code you’ve created and navigate to Discounted items:
Select the Menu that includes the items to be discounted and click Submit:
Choose the Discounted Quality amount. This is the amount of that Item or Items per order that is allowed to receive the discount from the promo code (this needs to be set to at least 1 for the promo code to be applied. 0 will result in an error)
Select the Discounted Items that apply for this promo code
Note: If you have different menus for each location, you’ll want to command/control Find to locate items of the same or similar name that you want to enable the discount for.
Once the desired Discounted Items have been checked off, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Submit
Required Items (BOGO Promo Codes)
You may notice that Discounted Items also include Required Items. Required Items are used for BOGO Promo Code offers only, where you must purchase the Required Item first to receive the Discounted Item.
To configure BOGO Promo Codes, simply select the Required Items that must be purchased and the Discounted Items that will be received for free. Remember that, in the Settings of the promo code, you’ll want to apply 100% off, so it applies to the discounted item:
Discount Type: Percentage
Discount Amount: 100
Guest Experience
From the customer’s standpoint, they may have received a Promo Code through a marketing email, social incentive, or other means, but for them to utilize the Promo Code, it should be as easy as entering the code at checkout and seeing the amount discounted from their check. Here is what that looks like:
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