Refund Analysis Report
The Refund Analysis Report is a detailed overview of your business's refund activity, offering insights into patterns and causes of refunds, which in turn aids in operational improvement and dispute management. It includes:
Trend analysis used to track the refund % over time
Store-specific data identifying locations with high refund rates
Comparative charts for orders and refunds across platforms
Categorical breakdowns of refund reasons
Visual heat maps showing refund occurrences by time and date
How to Access the Refund Analysis Report
To view “Refund Analysis” Reports. Login to the Checkmate Portal using your credentials. Once logged in, click "Refunds Management" from the navigation bar.
Under the "Refunds Management" section, click "Refund Analysis" to view the dashboard for an in-depth review of your refunds.
You can personalize the data by applying filters to the entire dashboard or specific visual components. Learn how to navigate through Checkmate Reports here.
Dashboard Visualizations
The visualizations within the dashboard are designed to work interactively, providing a connected experience across various data displays. By utilizing the right-click "filter" function, you can refine the data shown across all charts and tables based on specific criteria such as:
Item names
Reasons for refunds
Specific Location Names
Ordering platforms
For example, to filter data according to a particular refund reason, select the corresponding section from the pie chart, right-click, and choose "Filter." The dashboard will then update to reflect this focus, adjusting the Refund Analysis charts and tables to provide more details for the selected parameter.
If you wish to return to the comprehensive view, a simple right-click on the pie chart with the option to "Remove Filter" will reset the dashboard, allowing all data to be visible again.
The below-listed charts will be visible in the “Refund Analysis” Dashboard:
Refund Percentage
This chart shows the trend of refund percentages over time. It will help you assess refund trends. You can see individual trend lines for each ordering platform and an aggregated line representing the average across all platforms.
Stores with most Impact Report
This table presents the primary locations for refund issuance, highlighting the top 20 stores based on average refund value. This value is calculated by dividing the total refund amount by the number of refunds. Additionally, it provides information on the total number of refunds and the overall refund amount for these specific stores. You can sort this list to gain further insights as required.
Order and Refund Distribution Charts
Understanding the balance between orders and refunds on each platform is crucial. Here, you can identify which ordering platform has greater refunds than the orders they bring in.
Order Distribution: Examine the proportion of total orders per platform. For example, if DoorDash represents 750 out of 1200 orders, its order distribution percentage would be 62.5% (750/1200).
Refund Distribution: Analyze the percentage of total refunds each platform accounts for. Similarly, if Uber Eats accounts for 200 out of 540 total refunds, the refund distribution for Uber Eats would be 37.03% (200/540).
Refunds Error Distribution Chart and Details
This pie chart breaks down the top reasons behind the refunds.
Refunds Error Distribution Details
When used with the “Refunds Error Distribution”, this will help you figure out the top items corresponding to each error reason.
Refunds Heat Map
The heat map visually represents refund occurrences by hour over the selected date range. It's designed to help you spot patterns at different times of the day. Each cell in the heat map indicates the number of refunds for that particular hour and day.
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