To take advantage of Checkmate's Refunds Management feature, you will need to create a dedicated Uber Eats login. The steps to create an Uber Eats Login for Checkmate Refunds Management are as follows:
Step 1: Log In to the Uber Eats Business Portal
Sign in to the Uber Eats Business Portal using your administrative credentials.
Step 2: Add New Employees
Once logged in, select "User" from the menu on the left side of the portal and Click "Add" to enter details for all employees added to the business account.
Step 3: Fill Out Employee Details
Complete the required fields in the following format:
Name: Enter the user's full name.
Email: Enter the email address for Refunds Management in Checkmate.
The email address should be in the format “hello+<BrandName>”.For Example: If your Brand name is Cheesy, the email address would be “”.
Phone Number (Optional, but if used, should be preceded by the internal calling code, e.g., +1 for the US)
Step 4: Assign to Group
Choose the group the new employees should be in or create a new group.
Step 5: Send Invitation
Click "Invite". The person you added will receive an email invitation to join the account.
Step 6: Assign Admin Role
Go back to "User" on the left menu.
To search for a user, enter their name or email in the search box above the list of users.
Check the box next to the person’s name.
Click "Edit" at the top of the page.
Under "Role," select "Admin."
Click "Save" to finalize the changes.
Once you've successfully created an Uber Eats login that is compatible with the Refunds Management feature in Checkmate, you can rest easy—our team will handle the rest for you.
Note: The integration of our Refunds Management system with your location may take up to 4 business days. This period is essential for us to ensure a seamless transition and comprehensive takeover of your establishment’s refunds and dispute process.
Learn more about the details of how to manage your Uber Eats account here.
Learn more about Refunds Management here.
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