Prices are established directly at the Point Of Sale (POS) systems rather than through the Checkmate Portal. We do not support individual pricing adjustments for items or modifiers on online menus; all prices must originate from the POS.
However, the Price Elevation feature allows you to apply a uniform percentage increase to all menu items and modifiers.
Price Update Process
For Legacy Integration
If your menu is managed through the Checkmate Portal, follow these steps to update prices:
Begin by updating prices directly in your POS system.
Once the prices are updated, email to inform us of the price updates.
Our team will verify the POS menu structure against the Ordering Platform menus, then re-sync and update the pricing on the Non-API Ordering Platforms.
Note: You do not need to specify individual item prices in the email. Our menu management team will contact you within 24-48 hours.
For Direct Sync Integration
For Direct Sync Integration, your menu is managed from the POS, and prices are automatically pulled into our system and then pushed to your API-integrated ordering platforms managed within the Checkmate Portal. Our system typically checks for updates in the POS every 5-15 minutes. To expedite this process, follow the steps below:
Non-API Integrated Ordering Platforms
For non-API Integrated Ordering Platforms, you must manually update the prices directly on their merchant portals.
Like the API-integrated process, begin by updating the POS prices and email to notify us of the changes.
Alternatively, you can manually update the prices on the non-API ordering platforms.
Applying Percentage Elevation
Learn more about price elevation and how to manage price elevation here.
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