What is Menu Price Elevation and Rounding?
Our standard pricing model allows you to apply price elevation to menu items and round prices to the nearest whole dollar using the price rounding feature.
Price Elevation: This feature allows you to increase the prices for various ordering platforms. For example, if an item's menu price is $10 and you wish to elevate this price by 20% on the ordering platform, the item price will be adjusted to appear as $12.
Price Rounding: This feature enables you to round the price of an item to the nearest whole dollar or $0.99. This helps standardize platform pricing and enhances customer experience by providing more familiar price points.
How To Apply Price Elevation
Follow the steps below to apply Price Elevation and Rounding:
How To Apply Price Rounding
Step 1: Select the Rounding feature you’d like to use in the “Price Elevation” Pop up:
Traditional Rounding or Round-Up
Traditional rounding will round up for any element that is 0.50 or more after the price elevation is applied and round down for elements less than 0.50
Round up will round up regardless of any decimal points
Step 2: Select Rounding Type To the nearest whole dollar or the nearest $.99
The below example shows how an item with a default price of $17.25 would change depending on the Rounding Feature and Type selected:
Default price |
Traditional Rounding |
Round up |
To the Whole Dollar |
$ 7.25 |
$ 7.00 |
$ 8.00 |
To the nearest $0.99 |
$ 7.25 |
$ 6.99 |
$ 7.99 |
Step 3: Check the Optional box if you wish to “Exclude any ITEMS and MODIFIERS that are less than $1.00.”
If you do not check this box, all items and modifiers less than $1.00 will have the selected rounding feature and type applied to them. There is a possibility that some modifiers may be marked as free.
For example, if you choose traditional rounding and have “Ketchup” at $0.25, traditional rounding rules would apply and round the price DOWN to $0.00. To avoid this issue, a warning pop-up will appear, as shown in the screenshot below, allowing you to either Proceed or Cancel and change your settings accordingly before moving on.
Modifier Round Up EXAMPLE: If the default price of the modifier “Cheese” is $1.07, if we use the Round Up Feature to the nearest whole dollar, it will update to $1.00.
Additionally, you can add Dynamic Pricing Integrations directly to your Checkmate account. This enables you to manage prices dynamically through our platform, adjusting automatically to market demand, availability, and other key factors.
Learn how to add the Dynamic Pricing Platform to Checkmate Integration here.
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