The available Reconcile reports depend on your subscription plan. Statement Reports are available with the basic and Plus subscriptions, while Reconciled Reports are only available with the Reconcile Plus subscription.
The reports available are:
The Statement Reports include
Unified Statement Report: The Statement Unified Transactions Report provides a comprehensive view of all transactions across various Ordering platforms in a single format. All Ordering Platforms are consolidated into one form for convenience so that they can reference all in one place. The report combines transaction-level data for all Ordering platforms in one table and format to make it easy to analyze and compare transactions across the various Ordering platforms. Learn more about the Unified Statement Report here.
Refunds and Adjustments: The Statement Sales Reconciliation report bridges the sales per your Ordering Platform statement with the deposits in your bank account, ensuring reconciliation between the two and identifying any discrepancies or potential disputes that may arise. Learn more about Refunds and Adjustments Report here.
Sales Reconciliation: The Statement Deposit Reconciliation report lists the sales that constitute the deposit for a given date or date range, derived from unified transactions across Ordering Platforms, and bridges the sales per your Ordering Platform statement to the deposit in your bank account as mentioned in the statements. It helps you reconcile sales with deposits in your bank account. Learn more about Sales Reconciliation Report here.
Deposit Reconciliation: This report is derived from the unified transactions of all Ordering Platforms and helps bridge the sales per your Ordering Platform statement to the deposit in your bank account based on the deposit date. This report lists all the sales that constitute the deposit for a given date/date range. Learn more about Deposit Reconciliation Report here.
The Reconciled Reports include
Note: To access Reconciled reports, subscribe to the Reconclie PLUS as stated in the prompt “To access dashboard please upgrade to Reconcile PLUS.” Please note that a separate subscription to Reconcile Plus is required for different locations.
Dashboard: The Dashboard provides a consolidated graphical representation of expected Ordering Platform and POS receivables, highlighting the net difference.
The "Net Difference" can be analyzed in more detail by clicking on the
Symbol to identify the parameters causing the discrepancy.
POS to Statement Bridge: It provides a comprehensive view of how sales in your POS are converted into funds deposited in your bank account. Each column and its sub-components represent either an addition or subtraction to the POS Receivable, ultimately leaving you with the Ordering Platform’s deposit. Learn more about POS to Statement Bridge Report here.
Fully Reconciled Transactions: This report shows all transactions we could match between what we integrated into the POS and the statements provided by the Ordering Platforms. These are the transactions where the payout aligned with what the POS recorded. Learn more about fully Reconciled Transactions Report here.
Unreconciled Transactions: The Unreconciled Transactions report displays all transactions that didn't match the integrated POS and Ordering Platform statements, helping identify discrepancies. Learn more about the Unreconciled Transactions Report here.
This may happen due to any of the below three reasons-
Transactions with Mismatched Pricing: Transactions where the sales amount reported by the Ordering Platform differs from the POS.
Orders Only in OP Statement: Transactions found in our order integration that data do not match an Order ID from the Ordering Platform statement. This could include orders that errored when integrating and, thus, were not directly injected by Checkmate.
Orders Only in Checkmate: Transactions found in our order integration data do not match an Order ID from the Ordering Platform statement. These transactions can stem from an order with a different Order ID than the one sent to Checkmate originally. In this instance, there is often a corresponding transaction in the Orders Only in Ordering Platform Statement report. Other orders that fall into this report should be analyzed in more detail to determine the cause, as it could imply that you processed an order that you were not paid for (i.e., an order you processed and made but was canceled by the Third Party - we have found this sometimes to be the case with Uber).
Tax Rate by Location: This compares the tax rates between what the ordering platform(s) charged for each sale and what was in the POS for each location. Learn more about Tax Rate by Location Report here.
Check out how to Use Reconcile here.
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