What is the Refunds and Adjustments Report?
This report helps keep track of all refunds and adjustments (per the Ordering Platform) made during a specific period and identifies any discrepancies or potential disputes that may arise.
How to Generate the Report
To learn how to create Reconcile Reports that offer relevant data for your needs, please refer to the guide on how to use Reconcile reports here. This page will guide you through generating the report and filtering for additional details.
Refunds and Adjustments Report - Terminology
Summary Table
Column Name | Column Definition |
BRAND | The brand name that owns the restaurant. |
LOCATION | Name of the store or restaurant. |
ORDERING_PLATFORM | Third-party online ordering platform. |
ORDER_NUMBER | Order ID as stated in the ordering platform statements. |
ORDER_ID | Unique ID created by Checkmate to map the transactions in the ordering platform statements with the transactions in order processing/POS. |
ORDER_TYPE | The 'order type' indicates the nature of the customer's order. In this case, the table will show orders of type - refunds and adjustments. |
ISSUE | The column name 'issue' refers to a text field that contains a detailed description of an issue that may have resulted in the order being refunded or cancelled. The issue can be related to a missing item, the delivery time, food quality, etc. |
ORDER_DATE_LOCAL | The date when an order was placed. |
ORDER_TIME_LOCAL | The time when an order was placed. |
FOOD_AND_BEV_PRE_ADJ | The total amount of revenue generated on the sale of an order. This column includes the gross sales, including adjustments made to an order. |
ADJUSTMENTS | Adjustments restaurants made to the price of items once an order has been placed (excluding tax). |
The total amount of revenue generated on the sale of an order after the adjustments have been taken into account. Food and Beverage Sales = Food and Beverage Pre Adjustments - Adjustments |
The delivery fees charged by a restaurant for delivering orders to their customers. |
SERVICE_CHARGES | Any other type of service charged by a restaurant to a customer. |
NET_SALES | The adjusted food and beverage sale, including any delivery or service charged by the restaurant. Net Sales = Food and Beverage Sales + Delivery Fees to Restaurant + Service Charges |
SALES_TAX_PRE_ADJ | Tax on total item sales in the order. This also includes Tax on service fees charged by restaurants to eaters. |
ADJUSTMENTS_TO_TAX | Adjustments to tax made to balance the adjustment amount for a transaction. This also includes Tax on restaurant promotions applied to the order. |
SALES_TAX | The sales tax charged on the order by the ordering platform. Also, the final tax amount with adjustments made. Sales Tax = Sales Tax Pre Adj - Adjustments to Tax |
SALES_TAX_WITHHELD | Sales tax an ordering platform withheld to pay in jurisdictions with marketplace facilitator laws of the state. |
Fee charged to eater by the restaurants for the packaging material, utensils, or any other mode of income to the restaurant. |
GROSS_SALES | The Net Sales with other income to the restaurant included. It also includes Sales Tax if not withheld by the ordering platform. Gross Sales = Net Sales + Other Income to Restaurant + Sales Tax (if not withheld) |
The tip paid by an eater to the delivery agent. Applicable for restaurants that do their delivery. |
The gross receivable, as per the Ordering Platform statement, including gratuity tips to the store and gross sales. Total Excluding Commission = Gross Sales + Gratuity Tips to Store |
GENERAL_COMMISSION | The fee an ordering platform charges to restaurants to make their store visible to potential customers provides support and other related services. |
The General Commission expressed in % of Gross Sales. General Commission % = (General Commission / Gross Sales) * 100 |
PROCESSING_FEE | A flat fee charged by an ordering platform to restaurants for processing every order. |
The processing fee expressed in % of Gross Sales. Processing Fee % = (Processing Fee / Gross Sales) * 100 |
Fee charged by an ordering platform to a restaurant for delivering the orders to the end customer. |
The delivery fee expressed in % of Gross Sales. Delivery Fee % = (Delivery Fee Commission / Gross Sales) * 100 |
Any additional taxes or fees charged for an order. |
FEE_ADJUSTMENT | Adjustments made to any of the fee components. |
The sum of all the fees and commissions charged for an order by an ordering platform. Total Fees and Commission = General Commission + Processing Fee + Delivery Fee Commission + Other Fees and Taxes + Fee Adjustment |
The total of fees and commissions in the percentage of Net Sales. Total Fees over Net Sales = (Total Fees and Commissions / Net Sales) * 100 |
MARKETING_SPEEND_FEE | The marketing expense incurred on an order through discounts, coupons, etc. |
The marketing expense credited back to the restaurant in case there is an order adjustment or cancellation by the restaurant customer. |
MARKETING_SPEND_NET | Net spend on marketing activities done for an order by the restaurant. Net Marketing Spend = Marketing Spend Fee - Marketing Spend Credit |
The amount expected to be deposited into the restaurant bank account after all deductions like service charges, commissions, taxes, and adjustments. Total Deposit Expected = Total to Restaurant Ex Commission - Total Fees and Commissions - Marketing Spend Net |
DEPOSIT_DATE | The date on which a payout was made to the restaurant for the order. |
Details Table
Column Name | Column Definition |
ORDER_ID | Unique ID created by Checkmate to map the transactions in the ordering platform statements with the transactions in order processing/POS. |
ORDER_TYPE | The 'order type' indicates the nature of the customer's order. In this case, the table will show orders of type - refunds and adjustments. |
ISSUE | The column name 'issue' refers to a text field that contains a detailed description of an issue that may have resulted in the order being refunded or cancelled. The issue can be related to a missing item, the delivery time, food quality, etc. |
ORDER_DATE_LOCAL | The date when an order was placed. |
ORDER_TIME_LOCAL | The time when an order was placed. |
The total amount of revenue generated on the sale of an order. This column includes the gross sales, including adjustments made to an order. |
ADJUSTMENTS | Adjustments restaurants made to the price of items once an order has been placed (excluding tax). |
The total amount of revenue generated on the sale of an order after the adjustments have been taken into account. Food and Beverage Sales = Food and Beverage Pre Adjustment - Adjustments |
The delivery fees charged by a restaurant for delivering orders to their customers. |
SERVICE_CHARGES | Any other type of service charged by a restaurant to a customer. |
NET_SALES | The adjusted food and beverage sale, including any delivery or service charged by the restaurant. Net Sales = Food and Beverage Sales + Delivery Fees to Restaurant + Service Charges |
SALES_TAX_PRE_ADJ | Tax on total item sales in the order. This also includes Tax on service fees charged by restaurants to eaters. |
ADJUSTMENTS_TO_TAX | Adjustments to tax made to balance the adjustment amount for a transaction. This also includes Tax on restaurant promotions applied to the order. |
SALES_TAX | The sales tax charged on the order by the ordering platform. Also, the final tax amount with adjustments made. Sales Tax = Sales Tax Pre Adj - Adjustments to Tax |
SALES_TAX_WITHHELD | Sales tax an ordering platform withheld to pay in jurisdictions with marketplace facilitator laws of the state. |
Fee charged to eater by the restaurants for the packaging material, utensils, or any other mode of income to the restaurant. |
GROSS_SALES | The Net Sales with other income to the restaurant included. It also includes Sales Tax if not withheld by the ordering platform. Gross Sales = Net Sales + Other Income to Restaurant + Sales Tax (if not withheld) |
The tip paid by an eater to the delivery agent. Applicable for restaurants that do their delivery. |
The gross receivable, as per the Ordering Platform statement, including gratuity tips to the store and gross sales. Total Excluding Commission = Gross Sales + Gratuity Tips to Store |
GENERAL_COMMISSION | The fee an ordering platform charges to restaurants to make their store visible to potential customers provides support and other related services. |
The General Commission expressed in % of Gross Sales. General Commission % = (General Commission / Gross Sales) * 100 |
PROCESSING_FEE | A flat fee charged by an ordering platform to restaurants for processing every order. |
The processing fee expressed in % of Gross Sales. Processing Fee % = (Processing Fee / Gross Sales) * 100 |
Fee charged by an ordering platform to a restaurant for delivering the orders to the end customer. |
The delivery fee expressed in % of Gross Sales. Delivery Fee % = (Delivery Fee Commission / Gross Sales) * 100 |
Any additional taxes or fees charged for an order. |
FEE_ADJUSTMENT | Adjustments made to any of the fee components. |
The sum of all the fees and commissions charged for an order by an ordering platform. Total Fees and Commission = General Commission + Processing Fee + Delivery Fee Commission + Other Fees and Taxes + Fee Adjustment |
The total of fees and commissions in the percentage of Net Sales. Total Fees over Net Sales = (Total Fees and Commissions / Net Sales) * 100 |
The marketing expense incurred on an order through discounts, coupons, etc. |
The marketing expense credited back to the restaurant in case there is an order adjustment or cancellation by the restaurant customer. |
Net spend on marketing activities done for an order by the restaurant. Net Marketing Spend = Marketing Spend Fee - Marketing Spend Credit |
The amount expected to be deposited into the restaurant bank account after all deductions like service charges, commissions, taxes, and adjustments. Total Deposit Expected = Total to Restaurant Ex Commission - Total Fees and Commissions - Marketing Spend Net |
DEPOSIT_DATE | The date on which a payout was made to the restaurant for the order. |
Canceled not paid Table
Column Name | Column Definition |
ORDER_NUMBER | Unique ID created by Checkmate to map the transactions in the ordering platform statements with the transactions in order processing/POS. |
R_ORDER_TYPE | The 'order type' indicates the nature of the customer's order. In this case, the table will show orders of type - Cancelled (Not Paid). |
ORDERED_AT_LOCAL | The date when an order was placed. |
The sale amount as stated by the POS. |
The final amount to be deposited into the bank post adjustments, commissions, fees, and other deductions. |
Check out Types of Reconcile Reports to see other reports you can generate.
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