Steps for Creating or Editing a Menu
Login to Revel
Login to REVEL POS using the REVEL URL:
Enter Login Credentials to access the HOME page
Verifying Establishment ID
Verify the Establishment ID on REVEL to choose the correct Location. Click on “Establishment(s): [Location]” at the Top and select the Location.
Menu View
Go to “Products” to view the Menu.
Once you click on “Products”, the “Menu Category” lists appear on the Screen
Click on the “+” Sign to view the Sub Categories under Menu Category and Item Names / Price / under them.
Add a New Category
Step 1: Click on “+ Category”
Step 2: Enter “New Menu Category” (Ensure the Active Box is checked to ensure the same is active) 🡪 Click on “Save”
Create Online Menu
Step 1: Under Products, 🡪 Go to “Custom Menus”
Step 2: Select “+ Add Custom Menu”
Step 3: Enter the menu name (we suggest “Online”) 🡪 Select Application Type = “Mode” 🡪 Mode/Station = “Online” and check “Active”
Step 4: “Save” by clicking the disk icon
Assign Menu Categories to Menu
Step 1: Click on the pencil next to the Online menu
Step 2: Scroll down to “Included Properties” and check the boxes next to the categories you wish to include on your online ordering menu
Step 3: Click “Save”
Add New Item to a Sub Category
Step 1: Click on the Sub Category in which you’d like to add a new menu item
Step 2: Click on “+ Product”
Step 3: Add New “Product Name” and “Price” (Ensure the “Active” Box is checked) 🡪 Click on “Save”
Add Item Description
Step 1: Go to the respective Item 🡪 Click on the Pencil icon (on the right-hand side)
Step 2: Enter the Item description under the “Description” field
Step 3: Click on “Save”
Add Item Image
Step 1: Go to the respective Item 🡪 Click on the Pencil icon (on the right-hand side)
Step 2: In the left-hand sidebar, check the “Image” setting
Step 3: Scroll to “Display/Print Options” 🡪 Image
Step 4: Select “Browse & Upload” 🡪 Select Image from your PC 🡪 Select “Save” (The uploaded image will appear upon successful completion)
Add Modifier Group
Step 1: Select “Modifiers”
Step 2: Select “+ Add Modifier Class”
Step 3: Enter “New Modifier Class” (Ensure the Active Box is checked)
Step 4: Click on “Save”
Add a Modifier
Step 1: Go to the Modifier Group 🡪 Click on “+ Add Modifier”
Step 2: Enter “New Modifier Name” & “Price” (Ensure the “Active” Box is checked)
Step 3: Click on “Save”
Apply Modifier Group to Item
Step 1: Under Products, go to the “Item” 🡪 Click on the (M) icon, which is the Modifiers option to the right of the item
Step 2: Select the applicable Modifier Group(s) from the sidebar on the left-hand side
Step 3: Set the number of applicable “Free” modifiers and the Free Type (Quantity or Price)
Step 4: Set the “Minimum/Maximum modifiers” per group. If this is a required modifier group, the minimum must be at least 1.
Step 5: Select “Save”
Change Modifier Group & Modifier Name
Step 1: Go to “Modifiers” 🡪 Select the Modifier Group
Step 2: Change the Name (Ensure the “Active” Box is checked)
Step 3: Click on “Save”
Delete Item/Modifier Group/Modifier
NOTE: You cannot Delete/Remove Items/Modifiers from Revel. You can only make them Inactive by unchecking the Active Box for the respective Item/Modifier Group/Modifier.
Setting Tax Rates
Step 1: Go to “Taxes”
Step 2: Click on “Advanced Tax Settings”
Step 3: Add Tax Group (Ensure the “Active” Box is checked) 🡪 Click “Save”
Step 4: Click on the Pencil icon to assign a tax rate 🡪 Go to Included Taxes and set the applicable taxes OR select “+ Add Tax Group” to create a new tax rate and assign 🡪 Click “Save”
How to Publish Changes
Step 1: Click on the “Settings” Icon on the Top Right
Step 2: Click on “Clear Selections”
Step 3: Check the “Online Ordering Settings” 🡪 Click on “Refresh Menu” 🡪 Click “OK”
Setting Menu Hours
Online menu hours are set within the Checkmate Portal. Learn how to set up menu hours in Checkmate portal here.
How to Update Menu Item Name
Go to “Products” 🡪 Select the menu item to update and update the name as needed 🡪 Click “Save”
How to Update Menu Item Price and Availability
Price updates are made within your POS — they are NOT made within our Checkmate Portal.
To update prices:
Step 1: Go to “Products” 🡪 Select the menu item to update and update the price as needed
Step 2: To mark the item as PERMANENTLY unavailable, uncheck the “Active” Box.
For quick edits to menu item price/availability, you can Bulk Edit items directly from the Products screen.
NOTE: This will update the base price in your POS. The elevation percentage will apply to this new base price if Price Elevation is set in the Menu Manager.
How to Temporarily Mark an Item as Sold Out/86’d
Marking Items/Modifiers as Sold Out/86’d should be done within the Checkmate Portal. Learn how to mark Items/Modifiers out of stock in the Checkmate portal here.
How to Update Modifiers within Modifier Group
Step 1: Go to “Modifiers” 🡪 and Find “Modifier Group” to edit
Step 2: To “Remove a Modifier”, uncheck the Active Box next to the modifier you wish to remove
To Add a Modifier, 🡪 Click on “+ Add Modifier”
Step 3: Enter “New Modifier Name” & “Price” (Ensure the “Active” Box is checked)
Step 4: Click on “Save”
Updating Item Description
Step 1: Go to the respective Item 🡪 Click on the Pencil icon (on the right-hand side)
Step 2: Go to the “Description” field 🡪 Update the description
Step 3: Click on “Save”
Updating Item Image
Step 1: Go to the respective Item 🡪 Click on the Pencil icon (on the right-hand side)
Step 2: In the left-hand sidebar, check the “Image” setting
Step 3: Scroll to “Display/Print Options” 🡪 Image
Step 4: Select “Browse & Upload” 🡪 Select Image from your PC 🡪 Select “Save” (The uploaded image will appear upon successful completion)
Step 5: Select the image of your choice by clicking on the highlighted area, or you may drag and drop the desired file from your desktop in the highlighted area and select “Save”.
Updating Special/Holiday Hours in the Checkmate Portal
You can update Special/Holiday hours in the Checkmate Portal. Learn how to update Special/Holiday hours in the Checkmate portal here.
Updating Kitchen Prep Time
You can update Kitchen Prep time in the Checkmate portal directly. Learn how to update Kitchen Prep time here.
Marking the Location Online/Offline in Checkmate Portal
You can mark the location or respective delivery platform(s) to appear offline/ online with a button in the Checkmate Portal. Learn how to mark a location/ordering platform offline/online here.
Final Step: Pushing Changes to The Ordering Platforms
Once all updates are made in your Revel back end, update the ordering platforms:
Step 1: Click on the “Settings” Icon on the Top Right
Step 2: Click on “Clear Selections”
Step 3: Check the “Online Ordering Settings” 🡪 Click on “Refresh Menu” 🡪 Click “OK”
NOTE: While Checkmate syncs with Revel EVERY HOUR, if you wish to have changes reflected immediately, Go to the Checkmate Portal and Select “Sync with POS” under Actions on the “Store Management” page– the sync typically takes 5-10 minutes.
NOTE: Our system will only sync if there is a change to the menu and will only push out to the ordering platforms once the sync occurs.
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