If orders are picked up faster than the time it takes to cook the food, the prep time within the Ordering Platform merchant portal must be adjusted.
You can conveniently adjust your prep times directly within the Checkmate Portal for Grubhub (API), DoorDash, and UberEats.
Additionally, using the "Time Specific Prep Time" option, you can set prep times for DoorDash, Grubhub, and UberEats based on individual days or specific time periods.
If you need to change prep times for any other platform, you'll need to make adjustments via the respective Ordering platform tablet or merchant portal.
Note: If orders need to be printed according to the prep time to allow sufficient time for kitchen preparation, it's essential to modify the prep time setting within the POS backend.
Follow the steps below to update the kitchen prep time:
Note: Please allow a 5-minute wait between Push attempts to avoid errors from back-to-back attempts.
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