Depending on your POS, making changes to your online platform menus may require that you either make the changes ONLY in your POS (in the case of Direct Sync integrated POSs) or in the Checkmate Portal in addition to your POS (in the case of Legacy POSs).
In addition, a few additional steps must be taken for ordering platforms that are not API integrated. Read more about the difference between API and non-API platforms HERE.
Follow the guidance below to make the desired changes based on the type of ‘Integration’ and ‘Ordering Platform’ deployed in the respective restaurant location:
Direct Sync Integration:
API Integrated Ordering Platform menus with Direct Sync Integration
In this case, changes should be made directly in the POS system. The Ordering Platform menus will update automatically every hour after the system syncs.
Can't wait an hour? If you need to ensure that sync is completed immediately after making the desired changes in the menu, you can log in to the Checkmate Portal and select Sync with POS.
Setting the ordering platforms as online/offline and delivery hours should be performed directly on the Checkmate Portal.
Non-API Integrated Ordering Platforms menus with Direct Sync Integration
If you have partnered with a Non-API Integrated Ordering Platform, the Checkmate menu update team will update the menu depending upon their scope of access to the backend of the Non-API Integrated Ordering Platforms.
If the Checkmate Menu Update team does not have access to the backend of the Non-API Integrated Ordering Platform, then please contact the Ordering Platform support team directly to request the menu changes and also email to inform our menu update team about the request for changes in the menu. Once the Ordering Platform support team confirms that the changes have been made, our team will update accordingly within the system.
Any additional changes, such as updating the delivery hours, item availability, etc., should be made directly in the respective Non-API integrated Ordering Platform merchant portal. Alternatively, you can email to inform our menu update team to make the desired changes on your behalf, depending upon their scope of access to the merchant portal.
You can read more about Direct Sync in the article “General Menu Management Guide - Direct Sync by Checkmate”.
Legacy Integration:
API Integrated Ordering Platforms menus with Legacy Integration
Please follow the below-mentioned steps to make changes to the online Ordering Platform menus:
Step 1: First, perform the required changes, such as adding an Item or deleting a Modifier or modifier Group, in the point-of-sale (POS) system.
Note: DO NOT skip the step mentioned above.
Step 2: Perform the exact changes in the Portal using the Edit Menu function.
Step 3: Any changes incorporated into the menu will be added to the Request Queue for our Menu Updates Team to review and process.
Step 4: Our team will map the items within 24-48 hours and push the changes to the online ordering platform menu. You will receive a notification once this is done.
Non-API Integrated Ordering Platforms menus with Legacy Integration
Please follow the below-mentioned steps to make changes to the online Ordering Platform menus:
Step 1: First, perform the required changes, such as adding an Item or Adding/deleting a Modifier/Modifier Group, in the Point of Sale (POS) system.
Note: DO NOT skip the step mentioned above.
Step 2: Send the exact changes in an email to
Step 3: The support team will incorporate those desired changes within the Ordering Platform merchant portal (only if they have access to the backend of the merchant portal). The mapping will be completed within 24-48 hours. We will notify you once the mappings are completed at our end.
Note: If the support team does not have access to the backend of the Ordering Platform merchant portal, you must request the changes directly from the respective Ordering Platform support team and also ‘cc’ support.
Step 4: The online Ordering Platform menus will reflect all the desired changes.
Note: Menu Edits for 10 items or more can take more than 24-48 hours.
You can read more about making edits for Legacy locations in this article, “Make Edits to Your Menu Using the "Edit Menu" Function”
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