To prevent last-minute orders when you’re about to close for the day, DoorDash starts restricting deliveries 20 minutes before closing time to give stores adequate time to prep the final orders.
Checkmate accommodates for this by sending through your closing hours to Doordash with an added 20 minute buffer so that you can receive orders according to the Regular Hours set in our Portal.
Doordash Hours Illustrated
If you wish to receive orders till 9:00 pm, you would set your Regular Hours to 9 pm in the Checkmate Portal, and Doordash will accept orders till 9:00 pm.
In the example below, the Hours set in Checkmate Portal for Monday are 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM
The Doordash orders hours match exactly what is set in the Portal:
Because Checkmate is sending your Regular Hours with a 20 minute buffer already added to Doordash so that your Doordash hours are accurate, this impacts the Store Hours visible to customers which will appear to be 9:20 PM.
Check out how to update store hours for your location here.
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