Types of internal emails
Confirmation Emails
Emails related specifically to the ordering process.
- Order Confirmations: Sent when a customer places an order.
- Cancelation Confirmations: Sent when an order is canceled (i.e. before it is sent to the POS and charged).
- Refund Confirmations: Sent when an order is refunded.
Customer Order Rating Submissions: Only sent if this feature is set up in your backend. Please view this related article: Setting up Customer Order Ratings
Notification Emails
Emails related to errors and other alerts.
Order Errors: Sent when orders fail to reach the POS (Order Management), fail to be charged (Uncharged Orders), or fail to be confirmed (Order Management) in a timely fashion.
Store Status Changes: Sent when a location changes its online ordering settings, such as a store location open/closed, wait time adjustments, etc.
Catering Daily Summary: Sent late-night as a daily summary of upcoming catering orders, conveniently waiting in your inbox upon waking.
Please review this article to learn more: What are Operations Notification Emails
Benefits of setting up internal email recipients
See below for a list of the different types of email notifications and why setting up a CC or BCC copy to an internal email account or other internal team members may be useful.
Confirmation Emails
- Order, Cancellation, and Refund Confirmations: When a designated inbox or team member receives a copy of ALL confirmation emails outgoing to customers from a specific Store location or Revenue Center, having a timestamped record of what was initially sent to every customer can be helpful for troubleshooting investigations.
- Notify relevant team members: If you have a dedicated Catering team, for example, you can set up Revenue Center-specific email recipients that will allow every Catering Order, Cancellation, and Refund confirmation to route directly to your Catering team members.
Easily troubleshoot a missing customer confirmation email: If a customer claims to have never received their initial confirmation email, you can reference this inbox to see exactly what time and to which customer email address the confirmation was originally sent.
> If the email address is correct, the confirmation will likely be in their spam folder. Please review this related article about Avoiding Spam Filters.
> If the customer's email address is incorrect, they can log in using the incorrect email address and update their profile to the correct email address on the account page so it will be corrected for all orders going forward.
> If the customer did not create an account, you can simply forward the email confirmation to the correct address directly from your designated inbox.
Notification Emails
- Order Errors: Email notifications regarding order errors can be promptly received and addressed by assigned managers and team members or through a shared Store email account accessible to all on-site employees.
- Store Status Changes: Email notifications regarding store status changes offer a timestamped record of changes to location settings, which enables you to analyze their frequency to discern patterns within your restaurant and among certain staff members.
- Catering Daily Summary: Configuring these store-specific notifications to Managers, Catering Managers, or even entire Catering teams can provide a daily summary that serves as an insight into future shifts and staffing requirements to ensure a smooth catering event experience.
Updating Email Recipients at a STORE Level
Updating Email Recipients at a REVENUE CENTER Level
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