Tracking your support requests
Step 1: Log In to the Checkmate Help Center.
Note: First-time users should follow the prompt to Sign up and get a password (note that this is a separate user account from your Checkmate Portal and will not work with your Portal credentials) or use the SSO option.
Step 2: Click on your profile icon at the upper right of the help center page and select My Activities.
By default, all your submitted requests will be displayed.
Step 3: Select a request status from the Status menu to filter your requests by status.
Check out What are the customer portal ticket statuses? to understand the statuses that appear.
Step 4: Enter a search term in the Search Requests box to search your requests.
You can optionally use ticket property keywords in your search.
Step 5: Click the request title to see details about a request.
If you belong to multiple organizations, you can change the organization for a support request when you view details for that request.
Tracking your organization's support requests
As an end user, you can be a member of one or multiple organizations. If you're a member of a shared organization, you can see tickets for all members.
Note: An administrator must set up a shared organization. If you do not see all tickets for your organization, please contact your Relationship Manager or to request this to be set up.
Step 1: Click your profile icon on the upper-right side of any page and then click My Activities.
Step 2: Click the Organization Requests link on the My Activities page to see all the requests in your organization.
The link appears only if you're a member of a shared organization.
Step 3: Click the request title to see details about a request.
To subscribe to requests for a shared organization
Step 1: Click your profile icon on the upper-right side of any page and then click My Activities.
Step 2: Click the Organization Requests link on the My Activities page to see all the requests in your organization.
The link appears only if you're a member of a shared organization in Zendesk.
Step 3: Click Follow.
Note: If the Follow button is not available, please contact your Relationship Manager or
You will now receive notifications for new and updated requests in your shared organization.
Marking a request as solved
You can withdraw a request by marking it as solved. The request must be assigned to an agent before you can mark it as solved. To mark a ticket as Solved:
Step 1: Click your profile icon on the upper-right side of any page and then click My Activities.
Step 2: Click the title of an open request to open it.
Step 3: Select the option on the lower side of the request to mark it as solved.
The request must be assigned to an agent. Otherwise, you do not have the option to mark it as solved.
Step 4: You can also enter any comment in the reply and click Add Reply.
Creating a follow-up to a solved request
You can reopen a solved request by creating a follow-up ticket. To create a follow-up to a solved request
Step 1: Click your profile icon on the upper-right side of any page and then click My Activities.
Step 2: Click All My Requests in the sidebar.
Step 3: Click the title of a solved request to open it.
Tip: If you have a long list of requests, you can filter the view by selecting Solved from the Status menu.
Step 4: Click the link on the lower side of the request to create a follow-up request.
Step 5: Complete the follow-up request and click Submit.
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