Important Security Measure
When customers use their credit cards to check out on your Direct Ordering site, one of the steps in place to prevent fraud is to ask them for their zip code. It's not a step we can remove from the site since it's an important security measure.
Why does this happen?
When customers receive an error message on the checkout page stating their zip code is incorrect, it is most likely because it does not match the zip code associated with the billing address on the card. It's possible that their address recently changed or they're using a company card and are unaware of the zip code on that address.
If they use the same card on sites that have already saved it or that don’t ask for zip codes, they may not be aware of what it is or that it may have changed. It’s also possible that certain cards require a full address to be submitted for verification (rather than just a zip code), which is an extra security feature associated with certain card types. This is pretty rare, however.
How to resolve
The best way to resolve this issue is to ask the customer to confirm the zip code associated with their credit card, which can be done by consulting their credit card statement. Or suggest they reach out to the card-issuing bank directly to see why their card is being rejected. One of these methods usually resolves the problem, and the customer is able to checkout successfully going forward.
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