If a manager, supervisor, or any other employee with access to your Direct Ordering Admin Panel is no longer responsible for a particular Store location, Admin Section, or is no longer associated with your Brand, you can revoke their access at any time.
See below for a demonstration of:
Revoking a User's access from the Direct Ordering Admin Panel
In your Direct Ordering Admin Panel
Go to Settings > Users > click on the User you want to change
Here, you have two choices:
Deactivate user until further notice: At the bottom of the page, deselect the "Is Active" checkbox, which fully revokes the user's access to the Admin Panel, giving you the option to reactivate at a future date.
Delete user permanently: Click the "Delete" button to permanently delete this user. Note this action cannot be undone.
Click Submit to Save your changes.
Revoking User access from Specific Store Locations or Admin Sections
In your Direct Ordering Admin Panel
Go to Settings > Users > click on the User you want to change
In the left navigation > click Stores to view which Stores the user currently has access
Note: If NO Stores are selected, the user can access ALL Stores.De-select the Store checkbox for whichever Store the user should not have access to.
In the left navigation > click Sections to view which Sections the user currently has access
Note: If NO Sections are selected, the user can access ALL Sections.De-select the Seciton checkbox for whichever Section the user should not have access to.
Click Submit to save your changes.
Confirming your access changes were Saved
For peace of mind, you can confirm your changes were saved in the main Users List:
In your Direct Ordering Admin Panel
Go to Settings > Users
Note: This view defaults to "Active" users. Use the Status dropdown to view "Inactive" users.Your recently deactivated user should now appear in this list.
Note: The table will display these additional details:Active: Yes means the user is active. No means they are not.
Activated: Yes means the user has previously activated their account. No means they never activated it using the link in their initial activation email.
Note: Only activated users can be marked active.
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